Spike's Rewritten Guide is a one stop site with all the in's and out's of Toontown Rewritten, written by your very own, Spike. This guide can be used by new users who need some tips for gameplay or old users who may need a slight reminder of some things. Updates and additions will be added as time goes on, so be sure to stop by every once in a while!
Check out What's New here at Spike's Rewritten Guide!
Head over to Activities to gain some insight on the various fun and extra activities, that is not just cog fighting, you can do in Toontown to gain some more laff points for your toon. Here, you can also to learn about doodles and how they can be a valuable aid for you and your toon peers.
Check out the Cogs page to learn a lot about each cog tier, their respective cog headquarters, and where you can find certain cogs across Toontown. Additionally, you can discover what you can do in each cog headquarters and how you can be successful in those types of cog related activities.
Make your way over to Neighborhoods to learn more about what all the playgrounds across Toontown have to offer! Gain more insight on the main campaign, clothing shops, and much more.
Navigate on over to the Toon Tips page to access a quick reference on important tips to enahnce your gameplay experience. These tips can include advice about invasions, gag training, fighting strategies, communication, etc.