Toontown is compromised of neighborhoods, which is a governing area of Toontown with its own theme, puns, streets, and a playground. There are six main neighborhoods where toons will complete toontasks. There are an additional two neighborhoods that are recreational and are mainly used for activities such as racing or golfing.
Select a neighborhood from the list below to learn more about that area of Toontown.
Toontown Central, commonly known as TTC, is a neighborhood located in the center of Toontown. Toontown Central is the first playground new toons will visit after finishing the Toontorial. The neighborhood itself provides a bright, colorful, and silly atmosphere. The neighborhood is known for the Mickey Mouse shaped playground area. The toon-up treasures in the playground are ice cream cones and provide a 3+ laff refill.
Toontown Central is home to many builldings such as the Toontown Library, Toontown Bank, Toontown Schoolhouse, and Toon Hall. The famous Flippy and the Silly Meter can be found inside Toon Hall! The neighborhood is connected to Donald's Dock, Daisy's Garden, Minnie's Melodyand, and Goofy's Speedway. There are 3 main streets that lead to those other neighborhoods:
On the streets of Toontown Central, you will not find a cog higher than level 3 or a cog building with more than 3 floors. The exception is when there are high-level cog invasions.
Every new toon has to go through the Toontorial when starting the game. After creating a new toon, that toon will enter the Toontorial. Here, a new player will learn the basic of the game such as gags, cogs, cog battles, toontasks, the Shticker book, and SpeedChat. Toontorial must be completed first in order to start the main campaign.
After completing the Toontorial, a toon will work through the campaign, earning new gag tracks to use as the progress through each neighborhood. A new toon starts out with the Throw gag track and the Squirt gag track. In Toontown Central, a toon can choose between the Toon-up gag track or the Sound gag track to start their gag training journey. To earn the chosen gag track and complete the campaign in Toontown Central, a toon must complete toontasks to earn Animation frames. There are 16 total Animation frames, where the final one cannot be earned until all other toontasks for a neighborhood is completed. Progress on animation frames can be viewed in the Shticker book animation frame page . Once all 16 animation frames are earned, a toon can use their new gag track and move onto the next neighborhood, Donald's Dock.
Sound Gag Training Animation Frame Film
The toontasks for Toontown Central, along with earning Animation frames, are as follows:
There are a total of 9 laff boosts earnable through toontasks in Toontown Central. A toon can turn in their completed toontasks at Toon HQ. The Toon HQ building in Toontown Central looks like a fire station, a red/orange brick building wearing a giant fire chief helmet. Toon HQ can be found in the playground or on any street at the halfway point.
The Toontown Central Clothing Shop is a store in Toontown Central that sells, well, clothes! It is located right next to the Goofy's Speedway Tire Tunnel. Toons may purchase clothing from this shop with a clothing ticket or 200 jellybeans. A clothing ticket is earned through a 'Just for Fun!' toontask.
Every playground offers different shirt, shorts, and skirt styles. Below is a list of the clothing options in the Toontown Central Clothing Shop. Some clothing is exclusive to the gender of the toon, but most clothing is offered to every toon. Clothing can typically be purchased in any color of one's desire.
Clothing | Type | Pick Color? |
![]() | Shirt | Yes |
![]() | Shirt | Yes |
![]() | Shirt | Yes |
Shorts | Yes | |
Skirt | Yes | |
Skirt | Yes | |
Shorts | Yes | |
Shorts | Yes |