There are a lot of ins and outs to playing Toontown, and every player has their own way of doing things. Over the years, I have discovered some simple, useful tips that enhance the gameplay experience. Some tips include universal toon strategy and some tips include personal preferences. If there is a tip that you do not see here and you think that tip would helpful, please feel free to share it with me here!
Try not to cross over toons when choosing cogs to hit. Meaning, if you are positioned on the left side of the battle, hit the cogs on the left side. Why? Crossing can often cause confusion between toons which can then lead to one cog being over hit or not being hit at all. This is especially helpful with game lag and countdown clock pressure. Of course, sometimes this method is not always possible, but do your best to choose cogs wisely!
Ever join a cog battle in a Cog Mint, DA Office, or Cog Golf Course and one cog is taking awhile to join the battle? This is actually a great situation if at least 3 toons have maxed drop. If there are 3 cogs in the battle, one toon can use an aoogah or elephant trunk while the other 3 toons each hit a separate cog with a piano. This helps save sound gags for long cog facilities and it is just convenient!
Please note, not every group will utilize this strategy, but it is helpful to be aware of its potential.
I am sure every toon has seen the SpeedChat phrase "Don't use sound on lured cogs!". This is a very important tip, because if violated, it could jeopardize the whole cog battle. If, for example, sound is used on a round of four lured cogs, then all of those cogs get pushed back and will attack the toons. Sound also does not have jump back bonus damage and it will remove any possible jump back damage given by gags that come after sound. No good!
Sometimes it can be hard to find other toons to help defeat a cog building, to join a boss battle, or to go racing with; especially if no toon friends are online. Instead of waiting for hours on end for maybe one toon to help, check out Toon HQs Group Tracker. This tracker allows toons to easily find other toons to group up with in real time! A toon can either join an existing group or create their own. No more begging for help on the streets!
Running to Minnie's Melodyland, Cashbot HQ, or Lawbot HQ by foot is easy with shortcuts on the streets that lead to those playgrounds. Quickly get to Minnie's Melodyland from Toontown Central through the shortcut located at the halfway point of Silly Street (left). Speedily get to Cashbot HQ by using the shortcut located at the beginning of Pajama Place (middle). Get to Lawbot HQ so fast it seems as if you teleported through the shortcut located at the beginning of Polar Place (right).
Have you ever wanted your toon to be giant & colorless (white). The Polar Toon affect temporarily makes your toon giant and white. To experience this, a toon can visit Paula Behr at Hibernation Vacations on Polar Place in The Brrrgh. There, a toon must say "Howdy!" to Paula using SpeedChat. This affect only works in the Brrrgh and is NOT permanent.
Ever see other toons around Toontown yelling "Toons of the world unite!" and jumping up with a fist in the air? That animation is called the Resistance Salute. This is not an animation a toon can purchase like Bow or Dance. Toon musts visit Whispering Willow at Talking in Your Sleep Voice Training on Pajama Place in Donald's Dreamland. There, a toon must ask Willow "Would you like some help?" using SpeedChat. Once completed, the Resistance Salute animation can be found under the Emotions tab in the Speedchat menu.
New toon? Go to Goofy's Speedway (accessible in Toontown Central near the Clothing Shop) to gain teleport access. A toon can then get back to Toontown Central quickly from anywhere in Toontown by teleporting to Goofy Speedway and using the tunnel to the playground.
For those who are used to Toontown Online or are just unaware, Cog HQs give double XP! That means twice the gag XP and twice the promotion XP in half the time! Cog HQ bonuses are not affected by district cog invasions.
To effectively and efficiently train gags, defeating cog buildings during invasions is the way to go. Not only do toons get +.5 added to the experience multipler each floor they go up (i.e. 1x, 1.5x, 2x...), during invasions, the multipler is also doubled (i.e. 2x, 3x, 4x...)! It is really easy to earn max gag experience points for a gag track (300pts)! Learn more about cogs and cog buildings here!
When progressing throughout the main storyline, try to pick toontasks that are as vague as possible. For example, "Defeat 50 cogs" or "Defeat 25 Bossbots". With vague tasks like these, a toon can go to invasion districts and fight cogs while also satisfying toontask requirements. This way a toon can gain gag experience quicker while also working on toontasks.
If you're a player that likes to multitask, try to pick toontasks that relate to one another. If a toon has a task they cannot avoid such as "Recover 10 Postcards from Double Talkers", then try to pick other tasks that would also be satisfied by defeating Double Talkers. For example, "Defeat 50 Lawbots".
Completing two short factories is quicker than going through one long factory, assuming everything goes accoridng to plan. Additionally, two shorts will reward a toon with 960 merits, which is 184 more merits compared to the long route reward. This is very helpful for mid- to high-level suits.
Most toons stop here when following the long route in a factory, usually to replenish sound gags.
During the final round of the C.F.O., when using the crane, do not throw a safe at the C.F.O. unless he is stunned. If a safe is thrown without him being stunned, the C.F.O. will obtain a helmet that will need to be knocked off in order to deal more damage. To know if the C.F.O. is stunned, the sound of an aoogah will go off and C.F.O. will appear dizzy. In the screenshot below, the C.F.O. is wearing a safe helmet.
Under the assumption that all four toons in a DA Office have sound, there is a certain expectation for each of the battles on a floor. During the first round on a floor, two toons will use the fog horn and the other two will either use an elephant trunk or an aoogah. Typically, the toons who did not use a fog on the previous floor will use it on the next floor. During the second round, the cogs will be lured and defeated individually. The second round is a great battle to use an organic cake on the level 11 cogs.
Usually, with a soundless toon present, the first round will be lured. During the second round, all toons with sound will use fog while the soundless toons takes out the level 12 Skelecog. This occurs until toons run out of fog horns.
During the Chief Justice battle, round two involves shooting familiar toons out of a cannon to fill as many jury seats as possible. It might be tempting to start shooting as soon as the round starts, but this is not advantageous. It is best to wait till 20 to 22 seconds left on the clock to start shooting. Why? At this point, all the cogs have sat down and toons can take over while also not leaving a lot of time for cogs to take back over the jury.
The Golf Course mazes seem impossible, especially with little experience. But, toons can see what direction to go based on the textures of the hedges. If there are vines, toons need to go left. If there are no vines, toons should go right. There are also colored flags that hint how far a toon is from the end of the maze.
In a Cog Golf Course, one of the first obstacles or puzzles encountered is the mole stomp. There is a 6x6 grid of holes in the ground where moles will pop up. An effective way to conquer this is to divide the grid by four, so each toon in the Golf Course gets their own 3x3 corner of the grid. A toon is responsible for their own corner and does not have to worry about the rest of the grid. This makes for a quicker run and provides a higher success rate.
With reinforced plating, there is a standard strategy to follow in these courses. On each hole, the first round of cogs is typically defeated by one fog and three elephant trunks. In the second battle, the strategy can go one of two ways, depending on how much sound each toon has in stock. If there is plenty of sound to use, the first gag round will be lure with TNT used on the v2.0 cog, with the remaining toons passing. After this, sound like normal. If sound needs to preserved, lure with TNT used on the v2.0 cog, with the remaining toons using gags to defeat the other cogs.
Please note that this strategy will vary depending on how many toons in the course have the sound gag track.
Attention! The one fog rule is no more! With the addition of Reinforced Plating on Version 2.0 cogs, the one fog rule is not very effective anymore. Now toons lure the set of cogs if a v2.0 cog is present, with a TNT stick used on the v2.0 cog. Once the v2.0 outer suit is destroyed or there is no v2.0 cog present, use sound like normal.
Exceptions do apply to this tip! If the v2.0 cog level is low enough, sometimes a good sound strategy will work to defeat the cogs in one round.
In the second round of the C.E.O., toons will act as Bossbot waiters. A good tip to follow is to serve the Version 2.0 cogs first, so you and your team will a few or none to battle in the third round. You'd much rather fight the regular, non-armoured cogs! Version 2.0 cogs can be indentified in this round by their irregular movements and V.I.P. cards placed in front of them on the banquet tables, as shown below.
When the C.E.O. yells "Fore!" jump off the table after he swings and back up. He already targeted each toons location, so if a toon moves, the golf balls will miss them. This tip also works when the C.E.O. targets you with gears.
Organic throw is pretty helpful in a lot of situations. An organic cake deals 110 damage, which can defeat a level 11 cog by itself if that cog is lured. This is extremely useful in a lot of situations, especially Lawbot DA offices. Highly recommended!
Organic sound is also extremely useful if used strategically. It is very valuable in Cashbot HQ and Sellbot HQ when another toon either does not have maxed sound or does not have sound at all. Also highly recommended!
Organic lure gives a toon 10% more accuracy, bringing it to Medium accuracy. This makes a pretty impressive small magnet. This is helpful if a toon is training their lure alone, until they get the goggles. There is not much benefit to organic lure after reaching level 6 or maxing the gag track. When used, other gag tracks such as trap and toon-up increase the accuracy of lure.
Fishing is a very time consuming task and it requires a lot of patience. Using the fishing guide will help increase the chances of catching fish species. Additionally, try to go fishing when the Decrease Fish Rarity Silly Meter (badge to the right) award is active! Most importantly, do not give up.
To learn more about the Silly Meter, go here!
Have you ever found yourself in need of jellybeans but you do not want to play trolley games? Well do I have a solution for you! Go fishing with whatever jellybeans are left in your toons jar and keep selling fish until you are content. Added bonus, this also helps fishing progress.
Did you see a black cat toon and wonder how to make one? The black cat is a special toon color that cats can apply on Halloween only. A player must create a new cat toon of any color. Then that new toon must go through Toontorial. When talking to Flippy, before entering Toontown Central, a toon must use the SpeedChat phrase "Toontastic!". Then like magic, that toon is black permanently!
Ever see a white bear roaming around Toontown? That's a polar bear and can be made starting December 24th until the end of Christmas day! A player must create a new bear toon of any color. Then that new toon must greet Paula Bear during the Toontorial. After that, that toon is turned white and is permanently a polar bear.
Have a deer toon but want a red nose like Rudolph? Well, I am happy to inform you that you can have that! During the Twelve Days of Winter event, starting December 21st, toons may visit Holly Daze in the The Brrrgh to complete a toontask for her. Upon completing the toontask, toons will recieve a Santa's Bag backpack accessory. If the toon is a deer, they can also obtain a shiny red nose permanently! Unlike the other specialty toons, a deer toon does not have to be a new toon to get the red-nose.
Try to save fog horns, birthday cakes and storm clouds for final The Boiler round. This is especially important in 1-star or 2-star field offices. In 3-star field offices, your team will sometimes need a restock anyways, so do not worry about this tip as much in those. Be sure to communicate if you intend on using a restock!
First of all, if sound, lure or toon-up is locked, don't panic! Even if these gag tracks are unavailable, you are free to use any SOS toon or doodle call. So yes, Lil Oldman can save the day! This means it would be wise to do some SOS shopping to gain a good collection of helpful cards and to do some doodle training.
Another option toons often forget about is that they can use their healing remotes at any time. So if your group is in desperate need for some toon-up and the doodles are not listening, go ahead an use a healing remote!
Spread out! Try to coordinate with your team on which quadrant of the map each toon will cover. Calling out "bottom left", "bottom right", "top left", or "top right" will help toons know who is covering which spot. Generally, toons will cover a quadrant based on their elevator position. This will prevent unnecessary doubling up and will help win the minigame in the time allotted.
Prioritize destroying Cold Callers early on. These are the cogs that will continuously turn the thermostats off, preventing your team from moving on, so you want them out of your way as soon as possible.
Do not hurry to elevator once it opens up. Try to skate around and destroy all the cogs to gather the most jokes possible. Extra jokes will help unlock gag tracks and heal more laff for the next cog battle round. That being said, get to the elevator before time runs out! Not making it to the elevator in time will cause you to lose significant laff. If you do not have all the jokes but there is less than 30 seconds left, do not worry about it.
Similar to the Cold Caller Cubicles, coordinate with your team on which toon will cover which quadrant. In this minigame, toons can team up in pairs of two if they find that more effective. Again, toons will cover a quadrant or half based on their elevator position. The most important thing to remember is to spread out! All four toons should not be in the same quadrant, it is inefficient!
Try to find the nearest water cooler in your area. It is okay to move areas, but be sure to find the closet water cooler there too. Staying around the nearest cooler will save time running and help avoid unnecessary obstacles. It also helps collect and throw water balloons at a faster rate.
Of course, prioritize destroying the mega-movers as that is what helps your team open the elevator to move onto the next floor. But, it is also extremely useful to focus on destroying the faster moving cogs as they do more damage and are more likely to bump into you.
Do not hurry to elevator once it opens up. Try to run around and destroy all the cogs to gather the most jokes possible. That being said, get to the elevator before time runs out! Not making it to the elevator in time will cause you to lose significant laff. If you do not have all the jokes but there is less than 30 seconds left, do not worry about it.
Start off the first round with everyone using a storm cloud. Although, some teams opt to use a cream pie for the first hit. This is done to do more damage later when the boiler is fired up. This is most effective in one- and three-star field offices.
In the second round, use four fog horns to handle both The Boiler and the cogs that just joined the battle. In a three star Field Office, often a level 14+ cog will join that this point. At least one toon in the battle will have to use an Opera.
When The Boiler goes into the Fired Up phase, damage him as much as possible. A good way to do this is for each toon to use a birthday cake as this deals the most damage out of any useable gag. If you run out of birthday cakes, either use a cream pie or a storm cloud as an alternative.
I'm sure you have heard this a bunch of times now, but do not attack The Boiler when it is in the Defense Strategy phase. The retaliation damage to toons is not worth it, especially in a three star Field Office. This means do not use sound during this phase. This will hit all the cogs, including The Boiler! Always remember, it is okay to pass! You do NOT need to use a gag for every round if it is not needed.
However, there are some moments when toons can attack in this phase but this requires good communication amongst participating toons. Toons can attack if they know the damage dealt will completely destroy The Boiler. Attacking The Boiler can also work if all four cogs in the battle are under healing control and all toons have enough laff to take on the initial damage. Note that this is not a common strategy and does not work well in a 3-star Field Offices.
Often toons will use remote controls when The Boiler enters the Defense Strategy phase. For remote controls, target the higher level cogs since they would typically deal the most damage if they were not under control. The more toons to use remote controls, the better. It is common for each toon to use a remote, although not necessary for lower level Field Offices. Typically, toons aim to use healing remotes on the higher level cogs and damage remotes on lower level cogs, as applicable.
Remember to watch when a controller wears off. Be aware that damage remotes do un-lure cogs.